Services Included

My service fees cover the following features:

  • Seller reliability assessment. I will check the seller’s ratings and feedback. If the seller does not seem capable of providing quality, authentic products, I will inform you and help you to look for alternative sellers if necessary. Purchasing from reliable sellers and official platforms will reduce the likelihood of problems with your purchases.
  • Translation and communication of important information e.g. product release dates if it is a preorder, defects and other vital information that I think you should know as a consumer. If there is any specific information that you wish to know, please ask.
  • Purchasing the product
  • Receiving/collection of purchased products
  • Verification of purchased products. Please refer to this page for what we are able to verify.
  • Returns / Exchanges of products with defects or mistakes, and any other after-sales service where applicable, before the products are shipped to you. (Not applicable for second-hand / used items)
  • Free storage for up to 90 days from the time of purchase. A free or paid extension may be possible depending on the storage volume at the warehouse. Please ask in advance.
  • Consolidation of products from different stores
  • Packaging and administration procedures for shipping of parcel
  • Photo-taking of purchased products is available on request. Photos showing the general appearance of the product are free to request, while detailed photos of specific parts will require an additional fee. Please state your interest when you place your order so I can advise you on the necessary fees and make the photography request as soon as the products arrive at the warehouse.


  • For Singapore-bound shipments, free storage is up to 60 days, and there is no photography or verification service. This is because the service I use for Singapore-bound shipments is a pure forwarding service which is more economical. If you require longer storage, product verification and photography, please inform me when placing your order and I will direct your parcel to the international warehouse.