Announcement: Resumption of Taiwan Shopping Service with minimum order required

Thank you for your patience while I worked on finding a solution for the Taiwan Shopping Service.

I explored several alternatives to make the service more economical, including reconnecting with my previous partner from the economy service. Unfortunately, they’ve retired their services permanently. And finding a new partner would require significant time and effort to establish reliability, which I’m not able to commit to right now.

So, to ensure the Taiwan Shopping Service remains sustainable, I’ve decided to continue working with my current reliable partner but introduce a minimum order value of 2500 TWD. This will ensure that the fees adequately cover payment processing costs and the time and effort required for each order.

Please note: This minimum order value is subject to change as I continue to assess the service’s sustainability. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will keep you updated on any adjustments.

Here’s a summary of the changes:

  • Service name: Now simply “Taiwan Shopping Service” (the “premium” label has been removed to avoid confusion).
  • Fees: Remain the same.
  • Minimum order value: 2500 TWD.

You can find the updated details on the Taiwan Shopping Service page: [Link to page]

Thank you!

Announcement: Reduced working hours and slower response time

Hello everyone,

I wanted to give a heads up that starting from April 6, 2023, I’ll be reducing my daily hours for shopping services due to some personal health reasons. I apologize for the abrupt notice and any inconvenience this may cause.

As a result, response times may be slower than usual. The estimated response time depends on the volume of orders and emails I receive, as well as my workload from my day job. While it’s difficult for me to provide an exact estimate, I don’t expect anyone to wait longer than 5 days for a response. I will prioritize orders in progress, which means that requests for new orders or items to be added to existing orders may experience longer waiting times.

I understand that this may be difficult for those with closing deadlines or seeking one-of-a-kind items, especially from the second-hand market. If you require a faster or more responsive service, I am happy to recommend my shopping partners. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

For those who still wish to use my shopping service despite the slower response time, I appreciate your patience and support. To reduce waiting times, please utilize the online calculator for budgeting, and try to finalize your order at once, rather than sending separate add-ons over time. While I understand that this may not always be possible, it can help reduce response times.

To ensure timely processing of your email, please refrain from following up on unreplied emails unless it has been more than 5 days since my last response. Following up before that may push your email further back in the queue. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Announcement: Temporary Suspension of Taiwan Shopping Service

I am writing to announce a temporary suspension of the Taiwan shopping service, effective immediately. I understand this news may come as a surprise, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.

I’ve recently experienced an unexpected surge in Taiwan-based orders. While I appreciate your continued support, it has highlighted a pre-existing challenge with my current service structure.

Over the past year, payment platform fees have steadily increased. Unfortunately, with the current service fee (already at 50%), it has become unsustainable for me to continue operating the Taiwan shopping service while also covering the cost of my time and labour. Raising the service fee further isn’t something I believe would be acceptable to customers. Thus, I made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend the Taiwan shopping service.

I will continue to process all existing Taiwan-based orders submitted before July 4, 2024, 10:00 AM Singapore Time (the time of this announcement).

For any orders submitted after this deadline, I kindly request that you utilize alternative shopping service providers, or consider searching the products on China-based platforms like Taobao or Xianyu, for which I still provide shopping services for. I apologise for any disappointment this may cause.

In the meantime, I’m exploring alternative solutions to ensure the long-term sustainability of this service. Please watch this space for updates. I appreciate your understanding and continued support.


Announcement: Important Update Regarding Taiwan Economy Shopping Service

I’d like to inform you of some changes regarding the Taiwan Economy Shopping Service. After careful evaluation, I’ve made the difficult decision to discontinue it effective immediately.

This decision was not taken lightly. I understand that some of you have relied on this service, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Unfortunately, experiences with my partner for the Economy Service has been lack-lustre. Their inconsistencies in service quality and reliability, as well as failure to maintain clear, timely, effective communication, has made it challenging for me to maintain high service standards for customers using my service to purchase from Taiwan.

Moving forward, please choose the Taiwan Premium Shopping Service instead. Despite the cost difference, I’ve had a pleasant partnership with this service provider for almost a decade. I believe the increased quality, reliability, and personalised support offered justifies the cost difference.

Alternatively, you may wish to consider searching for your desired item on Taobao or Xianyu, both of which I provide shopping services for. Many Taiwan products are also retailed in China, and this option will allow you to obtain your purchases at possibly lower prices.

Thank you for your understanding and support as always!


Revision to upcoming CNY hiatus

Hello everyone,

My shopping/shipping partners and proxies have released their CNY holiday schedule, and I am revising my hiatus accordingly to match it:

January 26th, 2024 – February 17th, 2024

During these times, my access to emails will be limited, resulting in sporadic replies. While I’ll continue to accept orders and process them, please expect delays in my responses, possibly beyond the usual 5-day timeframe. Additionally, due to the holiday season, sellers and courier services will also be observing holidays, leading to unavoidable service disruptions.

For Xianyu orders as well as Taiwan second-hand market orders (Ruten, Shopee), I will only process them up to February 6th (that’s a few days before CNY starts), and strictly after February 17th (when the public holiday ends in China). This is because many sellers are traveling or preoccupied with the festivities, and there is a high failure rate of transactions as sellers fail to locate the items or forget to mail them out. If I accept your payment, only for the transaction to fall through, payment platform fees are non-refundable. Therefore, it’s much better to wait until things are back to normal before placing orders.

In addition, I’m currently dealing with a high volume of orders due to people rushing to get their orders in before my hiatus. I seek your understanding and patience, and as always, if your order is urgent, please consider other services. Thank you!

Important Notice: Upcoming Service Hiatus and Holiday Periods

Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you know about the upcoming hiatus for my shopping service during the following periods:

1) December 23rd, 2023 – January 5th, 2024
2) January 26th, 2024 – February 12th, 2024

During these times, my access to emails will be limited, resulting in sporadic replies. While I’ll continue to accept orders and process them, please expect delays in my responses, possibly beyond the usual 5-day timeframe. Additionally, due to the holiday season, sellers and courier services will also be observing holidays, leading to unavoidable service disruptions.

To minimise any inconvenience, I recommend placing your orders well in advance or after the above-mentioned periods. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Announcement: Service fee revisions, new cost estimate spreadsheet, new order and price quote forms

Greetings everyone, I wanted to take a moment to update you all on some important changes to my service fees and operations. Please take a moment to review the following announcements.

(1) Changes to service fees for Xianyu

Starting March 31, I won’t be able to use my usual payment option for Xianyu transactions due to Alipay’s revised policies. Unfortunately, the alternative payment methods I have to switch to come with higher transaction fees. As a result, I have to raise my service fees for Xianyu transactions to cover these additional costs. The service fees will be increased from the current 15% to 20%. A 3 USD or 5 SGD handling fee will also apply to products costing under 100rmb including domestic postage. The deadline for submission of orders is 29 March 5PM to enjoy the current rates before the revised fees apply, and payment needs to be in by 30 March 5PM (Beijing +8GMT).

(2) Reintroduction of SGD as Payment Currency for Paypal. USD is accepted for WISE

Starting from 31 March, I will switch back to SGD for Paypal payments for all my various services. For the past 4 months, I experimented with accepting PayPal payments via USD currency, but unfortunately, it hasn’t been working out for me. However, those who prefer to pay by USD may still do so by using WISE. As with above, the deadline for submission of orders is 29 March 5PM before the revised payment policy applies, and payment needs to be in by 30 March 5PM (Beijing +8GMT).

(3) New Cost Estimate Spreadsheet to help with price estimates

I have created a new cost estimate spreadsheet for all my shopping services to reflect the current rates. You can use it to generate price estimates and help with your budgeting. Please note that the new rates and currencies mentioned earlier will be incorporated into the spreadsheet starting from March 29.

You can access the cost estimate spreadsheet either by clicking on the link provided here or visiting the shopping service pages.

(4) Revised Order Form & Price Quote Form

I have created a new Order Form and Price Quote Request / Contact Form to streamline the ordering process. Regular customers may still email me, but incomplete orders will delay the process.

Orders submitted through the Order Form will have higher priority. This is encouraged for products in low-stock or one-of-a-kind items. But please only use this form if you intend to purchase, and only if you’re able to pay as soon as you receive the payment invoice.

If you are unsure about the actual listing price or committing to a purchase without a clear idea of the total amount payable, you can use the new Price Quote Request / Contact Form

Please use the Order Form responsibly. Repeatedly submitting orders without follow-through in a timely manner will result in de-prioritization of future orders.

(5) Information on shopping service info pages and FAQ have been edited for improved coherence and readability.

Thank you!

Partial Hiatus from 13 Feb 2023

Hello everyone,

Due to a current backlog from Chinese New Year and the added pressure of my full-time job, I will temporarily suspend new orders starting from February 13, 2023. I apologize for this abrupt announcement and for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please note that I will still attend to all open orders, including adding on new orders to existing orders. For new orders placed after February 10, 2023, it may take me more than 5 days to get back to you. If you are unable to wait, I kindly request that you cancel your order.

I have noticed a recent uptick in the number of people who request price quotations, but end up not placing orders. There are also people who ask me to help them look out for certain items, and never get back to me when I’ve found the items for them. Unfortunately, this causes delays for customers who genuinely need to place an order.

As a single-person operation, my resources and time are limited, and I ask that you only request price quotations if you have a genuine interest in placing an order. I have provided guides on my shopping service pages to assist with budget calculations, and I would be grateful if you could use these before requesting a quotation.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. I will not respond to non-confirmed orders during this hiatus.

Thank you for your trust and support in me. I appreciate your understanding and look forward to serving you again in the near future.

Delay in response time in light of festive season

Hello everyone! We are currently experiencing a high volume of orders as many of our customers are trying to get their orders in before the Chinese New Year holidays. Unfortunately, due to the holidays, many sellers have temporarily stopped dispatching orders to ensure timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

We apologize for any inconvenience and delays this may cause and kindly ask for your patience as we work to fulfil all orders as soon as possible. Please note that any orders placed at this time will not be shipped until after the Chinese New Year holidays.

In addition, please refrain from sending additional emails if you aren’t making changes to your order, and please try to keep all your orders in a single email. This is because each additional email you send pushes your email to the back of the queue.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this busy period!

Lower service fees for Taiwan shopping service, acceptance of USD currency & CNY holiday delays

Hello! I hope everyone is having a good new year so far! I have 3 announcements to make:

(1) I’ve updated y Taiwan shopping service with a new service package with lower fees so shoppers have a more economical choice.

(2) Payments quoted and requested for all shopping services will be in USD from now on for increased transparency. The exception is for customers using Singapore-based payment platforms who may still pay in SGD.

(3) Chinese New Year is just around the corner and shipping services for Taiwan and China will be suspended from 18 January until the end of January to avoid a pile-up at customs. You may still place your orders but please understand if responses are slower during this festive season.

Thank you and Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebrate it!