Services Included

My service fees cover the following features:

  • Seller reliability assessment. I will check the seller’s ratings and feedback. If the seller does not seem capable of providing quality, authentic products, I will inform you and help you to look for alternative sellers. Purchasing from reliable sellers and official platforms will reduce the likelihood of problems with your purchases.
  • Translation and communication of important information e.g. product release dates if it is a preorder, defects and other vital information that I think you should know as a consumer. If there is any specific information that you wish to know, please feel free to ask.
  • Purchasing the product
  • Receiving/collecting of purchased products
  • Verification of purchased products. Please refer to this page for what we are able to verify.
  • Returns / Exchanges of products with defects or mistakes, and any other after-sales service where applicable, before the products are shipped to you. (Not applicable for second-hand / used items)
  • Free storage for an indefinite period of time. However, long-term storage is not encouraged as the facility is a residential area and not a dedicated storage warehouse.
  • Consolidation of products from different stores
  • Packaging and administration procedures for shipping of parcel
  • Photo-taking of purchased products is available upon request. Please ask before making shipping arrangements and let me know specifically what parts you wish to see photographed.