What items cannot be purchased?

  • Flammable items (including fragrances, alcohol, nail polish, lighter)
  • Precious metals (gold, silver)
  • Cigarettes
  • Fresh food
  • Live animals
  • Plants (includes seeds and flowers)
  • Hazardous products like weapons. Includes props that resemble weapons as well, notably guns and blades.

Please note that certain types of products may be prohibited by specific shipping methods. These products are typically of a sensitive nature, and shipping them through sensitive shipping routes can be considerably more expensive than other methods. If you are concerned about shipping costs, it is advisable to avoid the following types of products in order to avoid limiting your shipping options:

  • Food products, including dried goods and snacks
  • Products containing powder
  • Products containing liquid (e.g. make-up, pens)
  • Products containing magnetic fields and batteries